- If you don't already have an account, go to and click the "Sign-up" link. You will be asked to provide some basic information to start a free account.
- Click "Submit Your Blog" and enter the information for your blog. Make sure you choose an appropriate category for your blog and include as many tags as possible. Tags tell your readers what the blog is about. For instance, a human resources blog may include tags like "Careers," "Jobs," "Employment," and/or "Benefits."
3. Receive an editor's review of your blog. Show this rating on your blog
by clicking the "Add
Widgets" button. To choose the widget you like
best, copy and paste the code provided into your
blog software's widget/text box.
review your site. The more you participate in the community and promote your blog, the more
reviews you will receive.
Tips & Warnings
- To get a greater response to your blog, visit other blogs listed on the website. If you review another blog, the writer may be more likely to review yours in return.
- Thank the users who rate your blog.
- If you rate other blogs fairly, they will rate yours fairly in turn.
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