
How to Get a Blog Rating


  1. If you don't already have an account, go to and click the "Sign-up" link. You will be asked to provide some basic information to start a free account.

  2. Click "Submit Your Blog" and enter the information for your blog. Make sure you choose an appropriate category for your blog and include as many tags as possible. Tags tell your readers what the blog is about. For instance, a human resources blog may include tags like "Careers," "Jobs," "Employment," and/or "Benefits."
      3.  Receive an editor's review of your blog. Show this rating on your blog by clicking the "Add   
          Widgets" button. To choose the widget you like best, copy and paste the code provided into your 
           blog software's    widget/text box.

      4.  Make your site available to other users. Other members of the community can now
           review your site. The more you participate in the community and promote your blog, the more
           reviews you will receive.


Tips & Warnings

  • To get a greater response to your blog, visit other blogs listed on the website. If you review another blog, the writer may be more likely to review yours in return.
  • Thank the users who rate your blog.
  • If you rate other blogs fairly, they will rate yours fairly in turn.

How to Find a Blog Listed in Blogwise


  • 1  Visit Blogwise.

  • 2  Locate the text box in the center of Blogwise's homepage labeled "Search blogs listed in Blogwise"                 and type in a word or two to describe your topic of interest. You can also type in an exact phrase                 or a series of words.

  • 3  Click on "Search" and you'll receive the first page of your results.

  •  4  Click on either the blue hyperlink or the thumbnail picture of a blog's homepage to visit that blog.

  • Tips & Warnings

    • Be as specific as possible when typing in search words. For example, if you type in "recipe beef," your results list will be much longer than if you type "recipe beef stew."
    • You can see a complete alphabetical list of all Blogwise blogs grouped by keyword if you click on the blue "Keyword" box under "List Blogs By" at the top of the Blogwise homepage.
    • You can see a complete list of all Blogwise blogs sorted by country of origin by clicking on the blue "Country" box under "List Blogs By" at the top of the Blogwise homepage.

    How to Find Free Content for My Blog

    A blog is a Web site where entries are made in journal style. Blogs usually provide commentary or news on a particular subject.
     A blog usually combines text, images, links to other blogs (such as RSS Feeds), Web pages and other media related to the topic.


  • 1  Use your favorite search engine such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc.

  •  2  Enter the text in the field provided (Example: free articles for my blog, free blog articles, etc.).

  • 3 After the search engine has finished popualting the results, so start with the first link.

  •   4 If you do not find what you are looking for, select the back button and select the next link.Continue           until you find what you need.

  •  5 Once you've found the content you need, simply use the copy/paste method and enter the HTML code      in the spaces provided on your Web site.                                          
  • Tips & Warnings

    •   Use recommended sites.
    •   Look for high traffic content. 
    •   Find relative content.
    •   Read the license and user agreements before using any service. 
    •   Do not give out personal information unless required and you trust the site.


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    How Long Will Drinking Water Keep?


    • The question of how long drinking water will keep can only be answered by knowing what type of water was stored and how it was stored. There is a difference between commercially bottled water and water from a public water supply you store yourself.


    • Most commercially bottled water will have an expiration date. Even if no expiration date is provided, the shelf life should be approximately one year. For water that comes from your faucet, pumped there by a municipal water source and stored in plastic containers, the water should be replaced every six months.

    Storage Containers

    • The storage container and the storage containers are factors that determine the length of time stored water will remain good. All water should be stored in containers made of food-grade plastic or designed specifically for the storage of water. Most containers will have embossed somewhere on the outside "HDPE" or "PP," or a recycle triangle with the numbers "1" or "2" inside the triangle. But not all "HDPE" with the "2" triangle is food grade. That's why it is best to use containers that have contained food or drink previously, such as soda bottles, milk bottles or containers designated as specifically for storing water. Ideally, a 2-liter soda bottle will store water better than a reused milk jug. The plastic in the milk jug-type bottles tends to break down over time, leeching plastic into the water.


    • If you fill bottles with tap water from a municipal water source, there is usually enough chlorine in the water to keep it safe for six months or longer. If you are filling bottles with water from a well, add one or two drops of plain, unscented bleach to each bottle.


    • Storing the water in temperatures of 35 to 50 degrees F will extend the shelf life, while freezing the water will help it last almost indefinitely. Make sure you leave about 2 inches of air space at the top of the bottle to allow for the water to expand as it freezes. Even if water has been stored for longer than the recommended time, as long as it has been stored out of direct sunlight to prevent algae growth, it can still save your life. It just might not taste that good. Pouring such water back and forth between two jugs will aerate it by infusing oxygen back into the water. This will usually improve the taste of "flat" water.