We have wrote several articles on Facebook Hacking, The most recent one we wrote was on"Top 10 Ways How Hackers Can Hack Facebook Accounts In 2012".
Which received tremendous amount of responses. However in today's
article we would like you to introduce you a software named "Facebook Hacker. Hacking facebook accounts
using phishing methods are out of the fashion these days. A new tool
known as facebook hacker is introduced. A dangerous tool for the people
in need of other’s username and passwords.
Download Facebook Hacker V1.0
Download Now
tool is extremely easy to connect and use. All you have to do is give
an email address and a password where the stolen information is to
deliver. Can’t be easier than that.
Just type in the email address and password and then click on the build button. A new“SERVER.EXE”
file will be created and most of the work is already done. Now the big
part comes. Just send this file to the victim. Rename it, change the
icon and make it more presentable so that the victim opens it for sure.
soon as the victim opens the file, Server.exe will get all the
passwords saved and facebook account credentials and will give them to
you. To avoid detection, the facebook Hacker will also look for all the
processes related to a security suite and kill them upon detection. The
most important thing this software does is it kills all the security
suite detecting it.
You should know how to protect yourself from such threats. BitDefender
detects this as a Trojan. In order to stay safe ensure that you update
your antivirus regularly. Also, remember not to run files you may
receive as attachments or via IM, or at least, to scan them beforehand.Download Facebook Hacker V1.0
Download Now
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